The critic and the bullies

Monday 15th March 2021

Critic Mark Shenton
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The pandemic has exaggerated the weaknesses of British theatre, and it has reminded us all of how precarious some jobs are. The freelance theatre critic, now in a majority after so many newspapers and magazines have stopped employing full-time arts journalists of any description, has a particularly precarious position in today’s conversations about theatre. It’s a question of power: editors and their favorites have it; freelance critics simply don’t. This makes them vulnerable to various kinds of bullying and ill treatment. Mark Shenton, one of our most committed, energetic and established theatre reviewers, has a long-standing complaint against The Stage newspaper, which he wrote about recently in his blog: ‘Bullying Can Happen to Anyone — It Happened to Me’. He says that its reviews editor, Natasha Tripney, and editor, Alistair Smith, effectively bullied him out of his position as a critic on the newspaper. When he subsequently complained, his version of events was completely denied — isn’t this called gaslighting? Of course, his version of events is contested by those in power at the paper, but, as a certain interview recently reminds us, the fact that “Some recollections may vary” does not mean that the complaint is unfounded. Personally, I find Shenton’s piece both honest and convincing. I know the people involved and his account of their behaviour does not surprise me. And I know how precarious the freelance lifestyle is — I just wish that those whose jobs are secure would behave in a less mean and sneaky way. Read Shenton’s piece and decide for yourselves.

© Aleks Sierz

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